The Adventures of Nikky & Camille

A blog to document the weight loss adventures of Nikky & Camille!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 23 - Could this really be our last leg day?

Hello family and friends! Well, this morning started with our normal walk except for one thing...Kelly made me her special project for today! She is our wellness coach and is just about the happiest person I have ever met. She kept challenging my speed by walking ahead of me so I had no choice but to keep up. Our normal walk is about 3.4 miles but there are also "excursions" you can take to the lighthouse and the tug boats. Last week I made it to the tug boats with Leif  but it took me a little longer than 1 hour. Today (with Kelly's push!) I made the entire route with time to spare. Yay me! My goal is to hit both by the end of the week. We then had our pool workout with no deck jumps because we had worked our arms so hard the day before. Isn't Leif nice?:) We then went to the ballroom for the last day of leg circuits - well, at least Camille was trying to negotiate it to be our last! I think the reason why we hate leg days is because every day seems like a leg workout with all the walking we do. Our legs are sore before we even start! We completed nine flights of stairs, 20 wall sits, mountain climbers, all sorts of lunges, squats, and many other things that make our legs cry out in pain. Camille was even asking the maintenance guys for rides home. They just told her she could make it. I think Fitness North has brainwashed them too! Our last circuit was suppose to be 60 seconds at each station but Leif decided if two of us could hold a wall sit for two minutes we could change it to 30 seconds. Four of us volunteered and we all succeeded! Camille and I were so proud that our legs could hold out for that long. It was awesome! We also ran a couple relays and suicides before the torture was finally over. We ended with ab work and a cool down walk on the beach. It is so nice outside today! It finally feels like summer. The afternoon with split with some of us going to Gooseberry for a hike and some staying back to use the gym. Camille was lucky enough to go on the hike and I was stuck trying to give my hamstring a break by working the gym for 2 hours.

We appreciate the support from everyone reading our blog. The comments, facebook messages, emails, and phone calls are so awesome. We received at ton of cards today! It was such a wonderful surprise and we treasured all of the encouragement. It was needed! Our time at Fitness North is coming to a close but this is only the start. Even though we won't be working out 8 hours a day we will continue to update you on our journey and progress. You are all awesome! THANK YOU!!!!

Until tomorrow,
Nikky and Camille

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